Debug WebKit with Xcode on iOS simulator
Build WebKit
git clone git:// WebKit
cd WebKit
sudo Tools/Scripts/configure-xcode-for-ios-development
Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --debug --ios-simulator
It will take 1 hour.
Configure WebKit.xcworkspace
- open WebKit.xcworkspace with Xcode
- File - Workspace Settings
- Advanced …
- Custom - Relative to Workspace
- Products: WebKitBuild
- Intermediates: WebKitBuild
- Done
Configure MobileMiniBrowser
- open MobileMiniBrowser project in WebKit.xcworkspace
- change TARGETS (both MobileMiniBrowser and MobileMiniBrowser.framework) Build Settings - Base SDK: iOS
- change Architectures: Standard architectures
- (optional) Edit Info.plist of MobileMiniBrowser, add NSAppTransportSecurity settings for access http site.
Configure Scheme of AllSource
- All Source - Edit Scheme …
- Run - Executable:
All done.